Friday, April 19, 2013

New Routine - Number 1

Keep in mind that for the past at least 15 years my general routine has been:  get out of bed about 6:00 a.m., be in the car on the way to work by 6:30 a.m., stop at McDonalds for an Egg McMuffin and a diet Coke, be at the office by no later than 7:30 a.m., do whatever it was I did at the office, get back home between 4:30 and 5:30 p.m., take a shower, watch TV, and be back in bed by 10:00 p.m.

Now that I have been in Arizona (off and on) for three and a half months the routine is much different.  Getting out of bed is somewhere between 7:00 and 8:00 a.m. - although this morning it was actually 6:30.

And then the look becomes this one        


so I can head to the ONE MILE LONG walking path

   across the street from Kori's house.  I am now going around the loop TWICE - which would be TWO MILES DAILY.

Then it's home for a shower and off to Jack-in-the-Box
for their Ultimate Breakfast Sandwich with NO bacon. 
Any time that it's possible - and there is something on TV about it - I'm watching the Jodi Arias trial.  They have finally proceeded past the Defense Presentations and are now on to the Prosecution's Rebuttal.  The past two days have been a young psychologist who has done an excellent job of testifying and is saying exactly what I have thought all along - Borderline Personality Disorder, not PTSD.
I continue to attend two groups at the Unity Church:  "The Work" by Byron Katie and "The Course in Miracles."  Both of them versions of cognitive therapy, one secular and the other spiritual.  I have also added attendance at Weight Watchers once a week.  Just started that so am not sure it will stick.
I will be here in Arizona until May 17th so this routine will hold until then.  As you have already determined I'm sure, the biggest change has been having to switch from McDonalds to Jack-in-the-Box.  Traumatic to be sure!
Every now and then there is a welcome interruption to this routine.  Today it was a meeting with a friend who goes back to the fifth grade at McKinley School in Billings, Montana.
Gayle Snyder