Thursday, September 19, 2013

Fall Foliage Highlights Tour

Two down one to go.  This is my third and final tour of this My Vagabond Year.  I will be traveling by coach with the Laird Leisure Travel Company out of Great Falls, Montana.

Map of Travel Route
This tour didn’t start off as smoothly as I would have liked. When I went to the bus station in Billings one hour prior to the departure time, I was told there is no longer a bus to Great Falls.  After being assured that she was not joking, she said I could get to Butte, but nothing from there to Great Falls.  I don’t know how far it is from Butte to Great Falls, but I know that it’s too far for me to walk and too expensive to hire a cab.  (I just found out it’s 350 miles.)  So now what to do?  After considering checking plane connections – which I know go through either Salt Lake City or Denver, nothing direct – or perhaps driving my own car and leaving it in Great Falls for the 3-week duration of the tour,  I was informed that the tour would pick me up in Glendive, Montana (population 5,000),  the next day if I could get there by 2:30 p.m.  So here I am waiting for two and one half hours at the “bus station.”

I connected with my newest traveling companion here in Glendive.  Meet Mary Lou Lewis who lives in Missoula, Montana.  We became acquainted when I returned to the University of Montana to get my bachelor’s degree in 1994.  She worked in one of the offices and was extremely helpful to me with all the processes as well as offering me a place to live for the final summer quarter.  We have been good friends since.

And now for the very best of this trip so far.  I have written to you about Oslo, Norway, St., Petersburg, Russia, and London, England.  Tonight I'm in Bismark, North Dakota, and their recognizable symbol is

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