Tuesday, September 3, 2013

London, England

So as one tour ends another begins.  I will now be traveling by Globus Coach

 And here is the map of the tour.
England is equivalent in size to Louisiana and has a population of 53 million people.  It is the largest and most populous of the countries in the United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland).  Their current monarch is Elizabeth II who recently celebrated her Diamond Jubilee meaning that she has been on the throne for 60 years.  London is the capital of England and the United Kingdom.

After getting a good night’s sleep, I started off this morning to do a little sightseeing.  While looking for where to pick up my local tour, who should appear but my traveling companion for this British Isles Tour.  She had just arrived from her home in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, so was very tired and not at all interested in heading out with me.  Therefore, she went to bed and I went on by myself.
Meet Sue Durant 
who I worked with MANY years ago (actually 35) at the 
San Ramon Valley Unified School District Offices in Danville, CA..

St. Paul’s Cathedral

Statue of St. Paul in front of the Cathedral

Buckingham Palace

 Just me and one of the palace guards on his beautiful black horse.

Entrance to Westminster Abbey

There was a sign by this door saying it is the oldest door in Great Britain,
probably constructed for the Abbey in 1034.
The Tower Bridge
There are 37 bridges on the Thames River.
This one is the most famous and the beautiful - at least at night.

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