Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Ottowa, Ontario, Canada

The bus continues to roll – on and on.  We left Duluth, Minnesota and drove through Wisconsin and Michigan arriving in Sault (pronounced Soo) Saint Marie, Ontario.  We were driving alongside Lake Superior off and on all day and saw some beautiful landscapes.  We even saw the beginnings of the fall colors that are so wonderful.  The following day was another long drive from Sault Saint Marie to Pembroke.  We saw Lake Huron occasionally, many other lakes, and the changing colors on many of the trees.   Oh, so many trees.  For most of the way we were driving down a highway that appeared to have been cut out of a forest – nothing but trees on both sides as far as you could see and often as close to the road as they could be.

On the way to Ottowa we went through the little town of Corbeil, Ontario, which is the home of the Dionne Quintuplets.  They were born in 1934 and were the headliners on many news casts.  This is the home that has been turned into a museum.

Yvonne, Annette, Cecile, Emilie, and Marie
Canada is very close to the same size as the United States but has 34+ million population compared to the 310.5 million in the US.  Canada is part of the British Empire so recognizes Queen Elizabeth II as their monarch but parliament is the ruling entity with the Prime Minister at its head, who is currently Stephen Harper.  Each province has its own capital and the capital of Canada is Ottowa, Ontario.  Ontario has a population of 13.5 million people.
Parliament Building
Clock tower is called the Peace Tower and
no building in Ottowa can be taller than the Peace Tower.
United States Embassy
Inside view of the Basilica of Notre Dame
the oldest Catholic Church in Ottowa.

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